Friday, July 28, 2006

Love Caddy B-Dawg, The Forlorn Moonpuppy

Louisville, Kentucky, and proud of it.

Right Handed or Left Handed:

Your Heritage:
Scotch/English/French/Canadian. Aye?

The Shoes You Wore Today:
Black work shoes.

Your Weakness:
If I told you, you'd pull a Delilah on me and next thing I'd know I'd be blinded, bald, and chained to some pillars in a Philistine party-pad.

Your Fears:

Your Perfect Pizza:
Oh, I love so many pizzas.

Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:
World Domination.

Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger:
I don't use IM much.

Thoughts First Waking Up:
Dang it.

Your Best Physical Feature:
I was told in 7th grade, by an 8th grade hottie, that it was my eyes. So that's been my claim ever since.

Your Bedtime:
Usually between 10:30-midnight.

Your Most Missed Memory:
If it’s missed I wouldn’t remember it, right?

Pepsi or Coke:
Coke. But Pepsi makes great products like Mountain Dew and Dr. Pepper. They make Dr. Pepper, right? I know they make the Dew.

MacDonalds or Burger King:
Burger King has better commercials.

Single or Group Dates:
I enjoy both but ultimately the single dates are more often special -- if your date is great. Like mine. 8-)

Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:
I don't know -- who makes the raspberry tea? I love me some raspberry tea.

Chocolate or Vanilla:
Chocolate in a landslide, baby.

Cappuccino or Coffee:
Both -- it all depends on the flavored cream.

Do you Smoke:

Do you Sing:
From rising to setting sun and beyond.

Have you Been in Love:

Do you want to get Married:

Do you believe in yourself:
I'm not real. I'm an urban legend.

Do you get Motion Sickness:
Come spin me and find out.

Do you get along with your Parents:

Do you like Thunderstorms:
I love them if I'm not out in them, or if I'm not trying to watch TV when the power goes out or when weathermen INTERRUPT EPISODES OF LOST. But if I'm in the house reading, writing, cuddling, singing, or watching a scary movie, I am CRAZY about thunderstorms.

Do you play an Instrument:
I try. Guitar and harmonica.

In the past month have you been on Drugs:

In the past month have you gone on a Date:
Some of the best dates ever.

In the past month have you gone to a Mall:
Actually I don't think so.

In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos:
Not a whole box for crying out loud. But I've had a few.

In the past month have you eaten Sushi:
Sushi is actually one of the few things I don't care for.

In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping:
Who writes these? Twelve year olds?

Ever been Drunk:
Actually, no.

Ever been called a Tease:
This one girl who totally didn't get me used to call me that all the time, back when I was in my late teens.

Ever been Beaten up:
"Are you saying you want a piece of me? YOU want a PIECE of me?" (Frank to Elaine, on Seinfeld)

How do you want to Die:
Peacefully and quickly, moments after composing my best song ever.

Best Clothing Style:
Levi jeans and a good tee or button-down shirt on guys. Levi jeans and a good tee, blouse, or sweater on girls.

Number of CDs I own:
Tons but I've cut way back on record purchases since I started subscribing to XM radio.

Number of Peircings:
I don't feel obligated to answer this because of the misspelling. But okay -- I don't have any piercings.

Number of things in my Past I Regret:
Oh, tons of things.


At Fri Jul 28, 12:55:00 PM PDT, Blogger Katie said...

I MUST correct you dear Bobby, the greatness that is known as Dr. Pepper is NOT, I repeat NOT, made by the likes of pepsi (which is so horrible it does not deserve to be capitalized). Dr. Pepper is a company all its own and is based in the little piece of heaven known as Texas. In fact the original plant still stands in Waco, Texas where they continue to bottle the goodness that is known as Dr. Pepper.

I think I have now completed my job as official spokeswoman for both Texas and Dr. Pepper (don't even get me started on Dublin Dr. Pepper which is such an addictive substance that it rivals crack)

At Fri Jul 28, 04:23:00 PM PDT, Blogger Tom said...

Yeah but I have seen Dr. Pepper offered in both coke and pepsi machines.

At Fri Jul 28, 07:20:00 PM PDT, Blogger Bobby said...

" ... by the likes of pepso (which is so horrible it does not deserve to be capitalized)." LOL. That was good.

But Tom points out the thing that caused my confusion. We get Pep--er, I mean, pepsi products at work: both cans in pepsi fridges and fountain drinks at a pepsi fountain, and Dr. Pepper is one of the offerings. The little independent Texan company must have some sort of distribution agreement.


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