Tuesday, January 24, 2006

One Crunchy Burger

Back in my teen years, my church friends and I hung out at Burger King after every evening worship service (we met Sunday nights and mid-week, in addition to Sunday mornings). One of my friends was a big ol' boy named Philip -- a construction worker who graduated high school when I was a sophomore and went straight to the workforce.

His standard mode of operation was to order two Whoppers -- one to eat as we hung out, and one to take to work the next day. He also used plastic soft drink lids for holding ketchup, rather than those dinky little ketchup holders you see in most fast food restaurants.

This gave our friend Adam an idea. One time when Philip went up to get a soft drink refill, Adam quickly snuck a plastic soft drink lid into Philip's "tomorrow" Whopper. Plastic soft drink lids fit perfectly between the beef and the bun (just so you know).

A few nights later, when we were gathered there again, Philip said, as calmly as if he were discussing the weather, "I had an interesting burger the other day." Then we all nearly died laughing. Turns out the big guy had fallen for it, hook, line, and sinker. He'd bit into the burger, noticed something "wrong" about it, but continued trying to bite through it, eventually pulling the lid, and half the dressing, out with his teeth.

Five points to anyone who can recreate this prank with their friends. Share your success story with me here on Jive To The Monkey.

MonkeyManiacs: this is your mission, should you choose to accept it. Go team, go!


At Tue Jan 24, 09:17:00 AM PST, Blogger Tom said...

I do the salt wars, when a fried gets up and leaves for whatever, we salt the drink. You should see the faces after they take a gulp and find it was salted!!! The best was when my fried did it to twostrangers, it was us and then two girls sitting at another table, the only ones in the room, the girls get up to get more food and he gets up and salts both girls drinks. The kicker is they came back fell for it and blamed each other....when the only other people in the room was us....both of them left at the same time and they still blamed each other.

At Wed Jan 25, 06:49:00 AM PST, Blogger Lorie said...

Tom, do you have lots of frieds? :)

(I couldn't resist.)

At Wed Jan 25, 08:40:00 AM PST, Blogger Tom said...

Lorie one day I will send you a big wet stanky trout in the mail!


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