Sunday, May 21, 2006


Here is one stanza set in common metered hymn verse (8-6-8-6). I got inspired to write it in church today. Don't know if I'll ever finish it, revise it, or set it to music. But since I can't think of anything else to update my blog with:

Let all who take the name of Christ
Depart from sin and shame.
Can lips so quick to criticize
Then praise the Holy Name?
Can hands that grasp another's love
Lift high in joyful prayer?
Can hearts that beat for luxuries
Avoid the tempter's snare?


At Mon May 22, 07:16:00 AM PDT, Blogger Lorie said...

This one will need a chorus---to answer the questions being posed in the verses.

At Mon May 22, 09:26:00 AM PDT, Blogger Bobby said...

Perhaps your assistance is in order.

At Mon May 22, 02:34:00 PM PDT, Blogger Gordon said...

There's a pretty good sermon in this song.

At Tue May 23, 09:58:00 AM PDT, Blogger RosieBoo said...

I asked someone one time why I'm inspired to write while sitting in church. I like to chock it up to my attention defecit disorder that seems to be creeping into my adulthood, but he assured me that where else would we be most inspired, then in the middle of a worshipful service where the Spirit is evident and powerful. Made sense to me.

At Tue May 23, 10:43:00 AM PDT, Blogger Charley & Marianne said...

We need more new hymns. Maybe yours will make the next Baptist Hymnal whenever, or if ever a new one comes out.

At Tue May 23, 08:43:00 PM PDT, Blogger Bobby said...

Madcapcouple, that would be my dream! I love the Baptist hymnal. The last one came out in 95 I think. We need a new one.

Rosieboo, that is so true. I am often inspired to write some lines during a sermon. Sometimes a melody will even come with it, and I'll have to go outside as soon as the sermon ends so I can sing it into a recorder before the worship band starts up and obliterates my new tune from memory. 8-)

At Tue May 23, 08:43:00 PM PDT, Blogger Bobby said...

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At Tue May 23, 10:36:00 PM PDT, Blogger Charley & Marianne said...

When I was a student at SWBTS in 1991 the seminary got rid of the old hymnals and replaced them with the new eddition that had just come out. So, it's actually been about fifteen years since the new one came out. That's about how much time lapsed between the one in the `50s and the old new one in the 70`s. So, I'd say it's about time they cranked out a new one! What do you think?!? I'm sure there are those out there that would say we should let the hymnal go by the wayside and not make a new one since so many churches are putting the songs up on the screen. While I like blended worhsip and choruses, and looking up to worship, I can't stand the fact that we are loosing singing the hymns in parts. You just don't get that when you just put the words up on a screen.

I too love The Baptist Hymnal and am anticipating the next edition. Ya hear that LifeWay! Please don't wait till I have grandkids before you put out a new one. By that time it will likely be a chip of some sort that we take out of the pew and insert into some kind of port the side of our head!!!

Thanks for your prayers for us as a family. I answered your comment on our blog as well, but also wanted to say thanks here just in case you don't get back to our blog. One of our conserns in getting Joshua is that we wont have any time to visit with him to bond before we take him. We simply walk into a room full of other parents who are picking up their kids. A bunch of nurses will walk in with kids and all call out names of the family. We'll walk up and pick him up and walk out of the building! Crazy huh?!? We will be in China for about two weeks thought, so we'll hopefully have the oportunity to take him back to the orphanage to visit his caregive and buddies one more time before we leave for the US.


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