Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Busy. But got a question for ya

An officer in my firm is leaving Friday and I've been asked to write a song for her going away party. Plus, I'm working on another assignment for my church website similar to the songwriting one that I provided a link for on this blog last week. Therefore, I don't have much time for blogging.

But answer me this: why does the United States, on a map, look just like a pork chop? Why? Coincidence?

Who has the answer?


At Wed Aug 23, 06:30:00 AM PDT, Blogger Lorie said...


I think not.

At Wed Aug 23, 07:34:00 AM PDT, Blogger Laura said...

What sort of pork chops are YOU eating? Mine look much more like China or Australia or Brazil. But I get the boneless kind.


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