Wednesday, April 20, 2005

gathering 'round, young women, and i will tell ....

I had a "catching up" conversation with a young, single girl I used to work with today. Seeing as she knows I am wise, wise, wise -- a veritable cesspool of information, if you will, she asked me for some relationship advice.
Specifically, she wanted to know how to let a certain young suitor know that she isn't interested.
So I told her. I gave her a sure-fire way to do it. Here comes the amazing part: she said, "But that's what I do when I like a guy!"
I said, "I think I may know why you're still single, then."

Here is my advice. If you gals will do this when you want to discourage someone from courting you, and refrain from doing this to guys whom you are interested in, then you will be a step ahead of many women in this country -- because frankly, my incredulous friend was not the first woman I've known to make this mistake.

B-Dog's Rule Is: to subtly let a guy know that you're not interested in him as a boyfriend, tell him that he should ask a certain girl out. Or tell him that you think he'd be right for a certain girl, or you wonder why he doesn't give a certain girl a shot. This will clue him in on the fact that you don't want him for yourself, that you want more of a brother/ sister kind of thing.

Now, if you're like my dizzy-headed young friend, you're probably thinking, "But I've done that with guys that I'm interested in, because it's part of the game." My silly pal said that she tries to read a guy's face when she makes such a comment, to see if he's interested in her. I said, "That's like going into a Paris restaurant and telling your dinner companion 'I'm going to order in Japanese to see if the waiter will give me what I want.'"

Will he? No, our hapless waiter will say "Come again?" Only he'll say it in French of course, rather than English. Certainly not Japanese. Stupid, stupid, stupid, you single girls. Remember, men think with their heads more than their hearts. Now, we may have dumb heads, but we still think with them. And if you try silly little tactics that don't make rational sense, you will overload our brains and we will crash. Our only thought will be, "She's not interested."

Now, perhaps you have tried this tactic on a guy, and he STILL asked you out. There's a reason for this. He's a weirdo. And sorry, but I can't give you any advice on dissuading weirdos. You just have to be blunt and resolute.

If perhaps you are like my silly friend, and you have tried this tactic on a guy you WANTED to go out with, and it worked, congratulations. You tried a nonsensical battle tactic, and you got yourself a weirdo. You should be very proud. But remember, a man who likes to play dating "games" will always like games ... and once you're married, this behavious will, at best, be a constant irritation to you. At worst ... well, make sure you have a good support system, ladies.

So, to recap: if you want to dissuade a guy from asking you out, suggest he go out with a mutual acquantance. That will do the trick, unless he's a weirdo.

If you would like to go out with a guy, under no circumstance should you "talk up" any other ladies. We're dumber than you. You'll confuse us, and we'll have to wander off into the woods and kill a deer or make some cave drawings or something. If by any chance you would like to go out with a guy, and you try this tactic, and it works, then pat yourself on the back for having used your feminine wiles to trap a nitwit. Hope that you too are a nitwit, so you'll never figure out what you stuck yourself with.

Toodle-ee-oo for now, ladies. Always remember, for the bottom-line advice that you won't get anywhere else, B-Dog is your hook up.


At Thu Apr 21, 05:36:00 AM PDT, Blogger Tom said...

Except if that guy is a player. They think different from us normal guys. THey are the ones that makes the rules hard to play along with. If you were to use those suggestions on a player they think hard to get and want to crack her shell so to speak. They are after one thing only.

Now if it were a normal guy(non-player) it might work out. Just if you ever reject they guy dont make him feel you want nothing to do with him and stay away from him. Just still be cool and friends but keep that line.

It would have been nice if thats how I got my rejections. But he is right about the heart and mind deal. DOnt play with out minds, our hearts still can break as well as yours.

At Thu Apr 21, 06:04:00 AM PDT, Blogger Bobby said...

Surely no female Monkey Maniacs are shallow enough to want playa's!
But that's what I meant by saying that if he likes that kind of game now, he is always gonna like to play games -- and you're not gonna think it's so cute when you're pledged to him for life.

Dr. Tom -- that thing about our hearts can break as well as theirs -- it reminds me of a movie line but I can't remember the movie. What's this from: "If you cut me, do I not bleed?"

It's gonna drive me crazy until I figure out the source of the quote (which CRACKS ME UP btw. I used to say it all the time).

At Thu Apr 21, 07:26:00 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Thu Apr 21, 07:27:00 AM PDT, Blogger Tom said...

Ooops Bobby can you remove the last comment I made, I posted it incorrectly.

Sounds like a Shakespear quote to me. Romeo and Juliet, Midsummer's night dream perhaps?

At Thu Apr 21, 08:45:00 AM PDT, Blogger Bobby said...

I think it is Shakespeare ... but I'm pretty sure it's neither of those. I'm thinking maybe "Julius Caesar"???

At Thu Apr 21, 10:44:00 AM PDT, Blogger Bobby said...

Great work, Detective Rupp! You just may be in for a Literatec promotion!

At Thu Apr 21, 11:57:00 AM PDT, Blogger Tom said...

Oh she is lil miss know it all now huh?

At Thu Apr 21, 06:58:00 PM PDT, Blogger Jason Ramage said...

B-Dog, I love ya, but I'm gonna disagree wit ya. Allow me to quote:

B-Dog's Rule Is: to subtly let a guy know that you're not interested in him as a boyfriend, tell him that he should ask a certain girl out.

Right off the bat there's one problem with this advice: the word subtly. Okay, maybe some guys aren't trying to pick up Radio Tokyo with a rolled-up stick of aluminum foil when it comes to knowing what girls are really saying that they aren't saying. However, I know that if a girl I liked suggested, in normal conversation, that I should date someone else, I would just be thinking that she's wrong about that. You see, the problem is there is still a conversation going on between us (which is always a plus factor in my book) and the fact that this fictional girl thinks I'm date-worthy for someone else implies I'm date-worthy for her too. And I wouldn't think she was playing some kind of "hard to get" game--it's just that she hasn't yet seen how perfect we are for each other.

Here is my advice... three effective methods a girl can use to tell a guy that she's not interested in him:

#1) "My husband..." Self-explanatory. Usually referencing the boyfriend will work, but a guy who's really fallen for a girl will only become more determined. Of course, this only works for married women or any woman speaking to a stranger on the city bus.

Should he notice you don't have a ring (big if), tell him it broke punching the last guy who tried to hit on you.

#2) "No, I have plans Friday night," or "Well, I've been seeing this guy for a couple of months." These might have to be used two or three times because sometimes guys ask again just to make sure that was a sincere rejection.

Few girls will say "I'm not interested in dating you," but that is definitely the Money Back Guaranteed way to ensure he gets the message.

#3) Nothing. Give 'em the cold sholder. You don't have to totally ignore him, but only acknowledge him when it's absolutely necessary, keep conversations short, and always be headed somewhere important. Again, it may take a few times before he figures it out, but he'll finally get discouraged and decide there are easier fish to catch.

At Fri Apr 22, 04:43:00 AM PDT, Blogger Bobby said...

Jason: that's priceless. I think this may be the best comment I've ever gotten in Jive To The Monkey. This in particular:

"However, I know that if a girl I liked suggested, in normal conversation, that I should date someone else, I would just be thinking that she's wrong about that."

Everybody, check out Jason's blog (it's listed in my link section) for columns on "worst pickup line ever," "Is Home Depot a good place to meet chicks," and other assorted gems.

At Fri Apr 22, 10:10:00 AM PDT, Blogger Tom said...

yeah it's all one sick game isn't it? both sides playing each other, well for the most part.

This is one thing I do hate about society's have to be thin, very attractive, and nearly everything revolves around sex and money.

And rules always getting messed up like playing hard to get, or just wanting to be friends, the meanings for any of these are not the same as it was, well used to be.

One never knows anymore. ALl the rules are messed up, its now in the eyes of the beholder.

At Fri Apr 22, 12:32:00 PM PDT, Blogger Bobby said...

I never was good at "the game." I remember my cousin constantly telling me, as a teen, "You gotta play the game, man. You gotta know the rules of the game."

And I'd say, "I do know the rules. They're stupid. I just wanna be real."

My cousin was about 10 Xs more successful in the dating world than I was.

"Don't hate the playa', hate the game."

Just some random thoughts, there. Well, as close to random as I get.

At Fri Apr 22, 12:58:00 PM PDT, Blogger Tom said...

Yeah my best friend is the same way, gets all do but never has really had a good relationship from any of them. Got married and divoreced 3 months later.

At Sun Apr 24, 07:08:00 AM PDT, Blogger Bobby said...

Women often prefer the types who cannot bring them happiness, but to be fair, men often do as well.

Women often look for superficial qualities -- money, looks, etc. But again, men do to.

I guess the truth is, we humans, men and women, really suck.

At Sun Apr 24, 07:11:00 AM PDT, Blogger Bobby said...

Second paragraph, last sentence, on my previous comment: I typed "to" when I meant to type "too."

People, no need to point it out. I recognized it first.

At Mon Apr 25, 06:51:00 PM PDT, Blogger Jason Ramage said...

My cousin was about 10 Xs more successful in the dating world than I was.

And how, inquiring minds want to know, would one define success? I note that you qualify your cousin's success with that phrase, "in the dating world." :) After all, dating has nothing to do with success. In fact, I'd say it's often the opposite. (But of course I'm going to say that... Pope Benedict XVI has likely had more dates than I... you know, back when he was a teen.)

btw, in the last sentence of the second paragraph, I think you meant to add an "o" to that "to." Just a little boo-boo... or should I say, boo-bo.

...and that's the worst joke I've ever written, if you want to call it a joke. I'm sorry I won't be erasing it, which will cause you to have just read it. Forgive me.

At Tue Apr 26, 06:00:00 AM PDT, Blogger Bobby said...

You are forgiven. By "success" I meant he had a lot of dates and a lot of girlfriends. He was a heartbreaker.

I, on the other hand, was every girl's "big brother," or "just one of the girls." Despite the fact that I am a Macho He-Warrior, as you can tell by the picture of me in my rugged Outlaw hat.


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