Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Nickel Creek Guitarist Lashes Out At Christian Music Industry "Mafia"

Here's a snippet from the most recent online journal post by Nickel Creek guitarist Sean Watkins. Besides giving a glimpse into what you Switchfoot fans can expect from their new album, Sean had some strong words for the Christian music industry, particularly as regards watered-down lyrics. And he quoted from one of my favorite hymns!

We did a promo show in Dallas with Switchfoot. That was fun. I love those guys. Their new record sounds great. I think it comes out sept 13th. you should get it! It's funny we all live like 5 minutes from each other but the first show we get to do together is 1500 miles away from home. Jon is a great songwriter and singer, he sang harmony on my solo record on a song called run away girl. It's funny how long it can take to actually get together and make music even though you're friends and live so close. Blame it on the logistical rubik's cube. Tonight we surf, if all the colors stay lined up. But back to their new record...great melodies and well thought out parts. And lots of thought provoking lyrics. Honest and raw.

On that subject...I'm so sick of sugar-coated songs from the christian perspective. One of the most comforting and inspiring lines to me is from the last chorus of Come Thou Fount where it says "prone to wander, Lord I feel it, prone to leave the God I love". Not many unwatered down songs make it through the filter of the Christian music industry mafia these days.

OK well, on that note.... I hope you all are happy and well. more to come soon. -sean


At Tue Sep 06, 06:21:00 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Tue Sep 06, 11:10:00 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooh, they've gotten to you at last, sad lunar young dog!

Okay, I wouldn't exactly call his little side note "lashing out"...but it is a point that many people belabor about Christian music. I don't get it, actually. Maybe I just don't listen to or hear a lot of the watered-down crap people seem to bemoan all the time...

At Thu Sep 08, 08:31:00 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to agree. There is a LOT of watered down, life with Jesus is always fabulous with fuzzy bunnies and sunshine, music. But every now and then I hear some that is honest and real. I think it's more often from "secular" bands though. Evenescence....I know they don't claim to be Christians and their actions for sure don't protray Christ, but when I listen to their music all I can hear is the part of me that struggles to understand God and the part of me that thinks because I can't feel Him, He's not there. And the part of me that longs to know Him but feels so helpless in finding Him. And honestly, it's encouraging to hear songs like that. I know that sounds crazy but it's encouraging to know that other people have those same thoughts and fears. When i listen to too much of the happy-go-lucky music, I start to feel like I am the worst person in the world becuase I don't always feel warm fuzzies about Christianity....pursuing Christ isn't always fun and happy.

The cheery music isn't bad, it's just only have of the truth.

At Thu Sep 08, 08:48:00 AM PDT, Blogger Bobby said...

Exactly. And look at the songs of the Bible -- we see a full template in the Psalms, prophets, and Song of Solomon. All kinds of songs expressing all kinds of emotions. Some of them are, simply, disparing. Some raise serious questions of faith.

Nickel Creek, U2, Bob Dylan -- artists like these say and ask things that few CCM and gospel artists dare to express. We need more of this kind of honesty in the Church.

At Sat Sep 10, 10:43:00 PM PDT, Blogger Jason Ramage said...

This is why I never caught on to "Christian" music in the first place. It's like getting a Bud Light when you ordered a beer (and you have the right to repeat that analogy as long as you give me credit for it). But that's why I like listening/reading the lyrics of non-Christians, and the more anti-Christian they are, usually the more truth they have to say about Christians. Unfortunately, they don't preach the Truth... that's what Scripture and the Church are for, not for-profit corporations.


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