Of Friendship and Betrayal
There's a Middle Eastern parking attendant in the lot across the street from my work building. I drive to work a couple days a week, and have parked there, lo these many moons. Well, I found out a month or two ago that as long as I get to work before 9 (which I always do) it's actually 50 cents cheaper to park at Louisville Gardens, which also has the benefit of being a garage. And it's just as close, so I've been parking there.
But I miss my little Middle Eastern parking attendant. He talks like Sayid from "Lost." And he smiles and makes a little chit-chat when I pull in. "How are you doing? ... Coming in a little later this morning, I see ... I cannot get used to these Lou-eee-ville weathers, my friend..."
It's just a machine at Louisville Gardens.
I feel like Sayid and I had a connection. We were sort of like David and Jonathan -- Sayid and I. There was something there. And I have sold out my little Iraqi-Arabian-whatever parking attendant brother for 50 cents and an enclosed garage.
Oh, sure ... I could go back to him now. Back to Sayid. And he would say "Where have you been, my friend? I haven't seen you these many weeks."
And I could mutter something about being sick, or down in Florida, or on the TARC bus. But he would know. Sayid would know. There would be a slight modulation in my voice, a lowering of the eyes ... and in that instant he would see into my soul and realize that I had exchanged our camaraderie for an automated ticket-punch machine.
I am, of all men, most miserable.
per day or per hour?
Per day. Makes my betrayal even worse, doesn't it?
Therefore now there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus..but there may be with Sayid..sorry buddy!
But still it is a chance to connect and witness by life etc......and it's just a quarter.....cought it up man hahah.
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