Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Of Friendship and Betrayal

There's a Middle Eastern parking attendant in the lot across the street from my work building. I drive to work a couple days a week, and have parked there, lo these many moons. Well, I found out a month or two ago that as long as I get to work before 9 (which I always do) it's actually 50 cents cheaper to park at Louisville Gardens, which also has the benefit of being a garage. And it's just as close, so I've been parking there.

But I miss my little Middle Eastern parking attendant. He talks like Sayid from "Lost." And he smiles and makes a little chit-chat when I pull in. "How are you doing? ... Coming in a little later this morning, I see ... I cannot get used to these Lou-eee-ville weathers, my friend..."

It's just a machine at Louisville Gardens.

I feel like Sayid and I had a connection. We were sort of like David and Jonathan -- Sayid and I. There was something there. And I have sold out my little Iraqi-Arabian-whatever parking attendant brother for 50 cents and an enclosed garage.

Oh, sure ... I could go back to him now. Back to Sayid. And he would say "Where have you been, my friend? I haven't seen you these many weeks."

And I could mutter something about being sick, or down in Florida, or on the TARC bus. But he would know. Sayid would know. There would be a slight modulation in my voice, a lowering of the eyes ... and in that instant he would see into my soul and realize that I had exchanged our camaraderie for an automated ticket-punch machine.

I am, of all men, most miserable.


At Wed Mar 01, 04:30:00 PM PST, Blogger Tom said...

per day or per hour?

At Thu Mar 02, 05:18:00 AM PST, Blogger Bobby said...

Per day. Makes my betrayal even worse, doesn't it?

At Thu Mar 02, 07:57:00 AM PST, Blogger Bethany said...

Therefore now there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus..but there may be with Sayid..sorry buddy!

At Thu Mar 02, 08:07:00 AM PST, Blogger Tom said...

But still it is a chance to connect and witness by life etc......and it's just a quarter.....cought it up man hahah.


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