Thursday, February 02, 2006

Hymns, Hymns, Hymns

Matthew Smith from the Indelible Grace music projects posted a comment on my last topic, so I've been browsing through his web pages. Check it out:

From there you can check out his music, blog, concert dates, and other goodies. I would particularly recommend that you click on the "Interview" link. His discussion of the differences between hymns and many praise songs is right down my aisle.

Writing new tunes for old hymns isn't my thing because I'm not a very good musician/ writer of music, but I've been writing hymn verse the past several months, occasionally with my own music though I've been more keen to farm the hymns out to musicians/ melody writers who participate in our monthly Sojourn worship writing workshops (you can read a couple of them on posts here from the last month or so). The reason I've been writing hymn verse-style is precisely what Matthew states about the power and truth of hymns. If you're a writer, a worship leader, a Christian, or a seeker of truth and a lover of art, read the interview, and the other stuff.


At Thu Feb 02, 07:34:00 AM PST, Blogger Lorie said...

"...right down my aisle."

You mean, "right up your alley"? :)

Or maybe you don't bowl...?

At Thu Feb 02, 07:55:00 AM PST, Blogger Bobby said...

FIRST of all, you know I can bowl. SECOND of all, I meant to write "alley" but I hadn't had enough coffee yet when I typed my column. THIRD of all, you are a geek.

Sorry for the seemingly harsh tone, people, but that's not a human being I'm responding to -- that's just my infuriating, smarty-pants little honorary sister who corrects me all the time about everything because she thinks she's right (and usually is).

At Thu Feb 02, 09:18:00 AM PST, Blogger Tom said...

Awww you two are so cute when ya'll talk like this :)

At Thu Feb 02, 10:13:00 AM PST, Blogger Bobby said...

Not as cute as you when you say "Awww," Dr. Tom.

At Thu Feb 02, 12:21:00 PM PST, Blogger Tom said...

I'm cute? Dont' beleive that until I hear that from females.

At Thu Feb 02, 05:20:00 PM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would say that was your first fight, but I know it wasn't. Plus, I got put on probation for saying it too much in 2005. However, it is "cute" when you spat. Kiss and make up and get over it. Seizure later...

At Fri Feb 03, 04:43:00 AM PST, Blogger Bobby said...

Will, I don't know if you're talking about Lorie and me or Tom and me, but I assure you it isn't my first tango with either of those bullies. And as for YOU, I've learned that the Nightrider Elders Leadership Committee has just granted you another month's probation for repeating the offending phrase in cyberspace.

Um ... getting back to the point of the column: has anyone else heard the Indelible Grace stuff? It's classic hymns set to new, organic music. I know I have a lot of Nickel Creek and Caedmon's Call fans in this blog (I of course am in that number): if you like bands like that you'd love the Indelible Grace series.

Has anyone heard Redemption Songs by Jars of Clay? I've heard most of it. I liked it, but I had heard it was a new collection of ancient hymns. What I heard was mostly 19th century gospel hymns, so I was a little confused.

I do love Jars, though.

At Sun Feb 05, 07:27:00 AM PST, Blogger Laura said...

I have the Jars of Clay album to which you are referring. It's a bit of a mixed bag, but I generally enjoy it. And to most "church" folks, 19th century is pretty ancient.

That reminds me of something my dad did in exasperation when a dozen little old ladies had complained that we didn't do enough "old hymns" -- this was in the early 90s when we were all jumping on the Maranatha chorus bandwagon. So one Sunday he pulled six or eight hymns from the Reformation era or earlier, just to be smart. And of course the little old ladies complained again. They wanted "I'll Fly Away," not "Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence."

And I do enjoy Indelible Grace stuff, if only because it gives me hope that hymns won't be utterly lost to coming generations.

At Sun Feb 05, 08:30:00 AM PST, Blogger Laura said...

And it's neat that Jars got Bono to do a guest arrangement/ vocal on "God Will Lift Up Your Head," too! Wait...


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