Thursday, March 02, 2006

Uncle Bobby and Brazilian Fight Dancing

Last Saturday, the Fifth Third Bank World Rhythms series presented "Dance Brazil" at the Brown Theater. Dance Brazil is a troupe that was founded in 1975 by Jelon Viera to introduce traditional Afro-Brazilian dance and capoeira to the United States. Since then they've crossed the States, and the world, many times over.

Their program Saturday was great. Presented in two parts seperated by a short intermission, they performed several different dances, mostly of joy and celebration. A high point in the program was their presentation of capoeira, an Afro-Brazilian martial art that migrated to Brazil from Angola as a fighting style that was disguised as a dance in order for the practitioners to be able to practice it openly (it had been prohibited by the ruling authority because they didn't want the people to be able to learn how to kick booty and thus win their freedom).

Jackie Chan ain't got nothing on these people. They were flying around that stage. It's the best dance ever invented to teach people to kick each other.

Afterwards, that little boll weevil Lorie and I made our way to the front, where she began conversing with a member of the troupe in Portuguese. She thinks I can't speak the language, but I can. I heard everything that was said. It went like this:

Macho Brazilian Guy (MBG): Well hellooooo, lady.

Lorie: Hehehe. Hello, you big, strapping man!!!

MBG: I am about to do my cool-down stretches and wash up. After that, you should show me around town. And perhaps we'll get better acquainted.

Lorie: Hehehe! Perfect! Hehehehehe!

MBG: (looking my way) What about this guy? Does he have to come along?

Lorie: He drove. He's sort of like my stupid big brother.

MBG: Brother? But -- all the greys in his goatee?

Lorie: Uncle. He's like my Uncle-in-Christ.

MBG: Hahaha! He is old man. Hahaha!

Now, you may all be wondering why I was allowing this to go on -- why I didn't point out that I'm only 34 and I only have a FEW greys on the chin. Truth is, I was just hoping if I played it cool and remained amicable, he might bring along one of those cute Brazilian girls. Like maybe his sister. Or, um, his aunt. I guess.

Unfortunately for me, that didn't happen. I had to go to the bathroom, but before I went Lorie said something about me going ahead and letting her have the keys so she could put her purse away. When I came back, no car. No, um, niece-in-Christ. No nobody. I had to walk home in the wind and rain.

I got my car back a couple days ago. Lorie said something about having gotten a call that her neighbor's cat was up a tree, and she needed to borrow my vehicle right that very second so she could speed home, scale the tree, and save the cat. I can see how something like that could happen, I guess, so it's all okay.

Still though, it was a great show. If you ever get a chance to see Dance Brazil, you should take it. Tell them B-Dog sent you!


At Thu Mar 02, 07:53:00 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to say, I'm torn as to whether or not to believe this.
Arguments for:
1. "Perfect" and "big strapping man" sound like things Lorie would say.
2. Bobby seems smart enough to learn Portugese.
3. Bobby is thought to be a good person who would never, ever lie.
4. Lorie is known to be a friend to all, helpless kittens included.
Arguments against:
1. Lorie doesn't laugh like "hehehehe."
2. Lorie would have returned the car immediately, regardless of the reason she needed to borrow it.

As we can see, the arguments for are more numerous than those against, so it is reasonable to presume this happened. Hopefully this will be of some help to those of you, who like myself, were torn between whether or not to believe this.

At Thu Mar 02, 08:00:00 AM PST, Blogger Bethany said...

I'm confused...and offended that your word verification has now given me two mixes with the word 'cow' in it...I thought you were a kind guy..whatever.

At Thu Mar 02, 08:02:00 AM PST, Blogger Bobby said...

She laughs like "hehehehe" in the presence of big strapping men and on the heels of "perfect" situations.

At Thu Mar 02, 08:04:00 AM PST, Blogger Bobby said...

We here at Jive To The Monkey are currently in deep, top-level negotiations with Word Verification, Inc. over the use of "cow" in our verification process. Rest assured that we will drive a hard bargain to make sure they stop using that particular combination of letters.

At Thu Mar 02, 08:18:00 AM PST, Blogger Alex & Laura Beth said...

Very funny Bobby! But I don't believe the part about you knowing Portugese or the part about you only having a FEW grays on your chin. I do, however, believe that Lorie was saving a kitten.

At Thu Mar 02, 08:44:00 AM PST, Blogger Bobby said...

Portuguese is easy.

Okay, maybe one-third of my facial hair is gray. But thankfully the top of my head is still brown, brown, brown.

At Thu Mar 02, 09:45:00 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...


My verification word looked like the name of a Russian pastry.

At Thu Mar 02, 10:58:00 PM PST, Blogger Gordon said...

Hey, didn't Dustin Hoffman use some of that Brazilian fight dancing on Robert de Niro in a movie a couple of years ago?

At Fri Mar 03, 04:31:00 AM PST, Blogger Bobby said...

That sounds like something Dustin Hoffman would do to Robert Dinero but I can't remember it. What was the movie?

At Fri Mar 03, 12:49:00 PM PST, Blogger Lorie said...

Such a web of lies...

For the record, it was my neighbors full-grown cat.

At Fri Mar 03, 12:56:00 PM PST, Blogger Bobby said...

You see, everyone? You see?!? She's a mean little gremlin.


At Sun Mar 05, 06:22:00 PM PST, Blogger Jason Ramage said...

You lost me when you said Jackie Chan has nothing on those Brazilian dancing/ass-kickers. Whatever.

At Mon Mar 06, 04:12:00 AM PST, Blogger Bobby said...

You just don't know. Seriously. Those dancers were flying around like they had wings.


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