My ol' pal Cheryl passed these two quotes to me. I think they speak volumes. Hope you learn something from them:
The secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes to do,
but in liking what one has to do. James Barrie
Whenever conferring with another, either face to face or across the miles, Whether a human being, departed spirit, or sentient tree, always speak to the highest within them. It makes such a difference.
Mike Dooley, Author and Philosopher.
I like the first one. Not so sure about the second. Doesn't exactly sound like Biblical philosophy. =)
Oh, well, I ignored that spirit and tree business. The general principle I take from it is to appeal to the best in people, to hold them an expected standard. For instance, holding kids to a standard of abstinence instead of saying, "Well, we know you're gonna do it anyway so the school nurse will be handing out free condoms during lunchbreak."
I took it to mean that we should speak positively too and about other living things---affirm the beautiful and the good. The opposite is easy.
Yikers! I meant "positively to..."!
Oh, I get it. I thought it meant to look for that "spark of goodness" that is in each one of us, and fan it so it gets bigger. Kind of like the philosophy of "make everyone feel good about themselves" when, in reality, all that does is usually excuse sin, and make people comfortable in their complacency.
But, I see what you are saying too.
I agree with Lorie too. We should definitely affirm the beautiful and good as much as possilbe. There's enough negativity in this world.
But, at the same time, we shouldn't be afraid to speak against sin when it needs to be done, always affirming that God loves the sinner, just hates the sin.
Good comments, round table!
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