Friday, March 24, 2006

Books On An Island

Last night in community group we all went around in a circle, naming any 5 of our 100 books (not counting the Bible, which is a given) that we'd take with us to a deserted island (naming the "Top 5" is too hard). I began rattling off titles and was silenced shortly after five. Here is the list that was on my mind (this is by no means exhaustive. Indeed, I'm sure there are books that I like better than some of these that are, nevertheless, not on the top of my mind right now).

Complete Poems -- Robert Frost
The Great Gatsby -- F. Scott Fitgerald
Systematic Theology -- Wayne Gruden
The Pursuit Of God -- A.W. Tozer
Unceasing Worship -- Harold Best
Scribbling In The Sand -- Michael Card
Babbit -- Sinclair Lewis
Baptist Hymnal
Complete Stories -- Flannery O'Connor
Gilead -- Marilynn Robinson

What would be some of your selections? You need not limit it to any certain number -- it could be one, three, twenty ....


At Fri Mar 24, 10:14:00 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does it have to be a book we actually own, or could we borrow it indefinitely from the local library?

At Fri Mar 24, 10:38:00 AM PST, Blogger Bobby said...

Library books are permissible, but you are gonna have one whale of a fine when the Professor finally builds a helicopter out of bamboo so you can get off the island.

At Fri Mar 24, 10:50:00 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fine, schmine. One book I will be taking is one fat journal. I will sell my story and make millions. MILLIONS!
Ok, I know I would have to take Divine Conspiracy by Dallas Willard, because I like to reference it sometimes and would be sad not to have it.
2. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.
3. Big fat stinking journal. REALLY big.
4. My Utmost for His Highest.
5. Another work of fiction. I don't know which. I'll post later if I think of it. Again, this isn't some deep, well-thought-out answer. Just my initial response.

Does the journal count as a book? I want to know.

At Fri Mar 24, 11:15:00 AM PST, Blogger Bobby said...

The journal doesn't count as a book. It counts as a tool.

Logical, yes?

At Fri Mar 24, 11:26:00 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

3. Anne of Green Gables, 1st trilogy in one volume. I do own this, so the library fees would be avoided.
"I don't want diamond sunbursts or marble halls..."

Why am I the only one posting?

And no, I don't see how a journal is a tool, but I will accept your answer. Your blog, your rules.

At Fri Mar 24, 11:55:00 AM PST, Blogger Bobby said...

I think the reason people aren't posting is because I always see a steep drop-off of blog-stoppers Friday through Sunday.

But for your loyalty, you have put yourself on the short list for future Monkey Maniac Of The Day award winners.

At Fri Mar 24, 01:21:00 PM PST, Blogger Kristi B. said...

I would take...
1. Shakespeare's sonnets
2. Anything with interesting pictures...

Okay, you caught me... i really don't read much!

At Fri Mar 24, 01:34:00 PM PST, Blogger Bobby said...

Hey, you can't go wrong with Shakespeare.

At Mon Mar 27, 12:08:00 PM PST, Blogger Jason Ramage said...

Come on, guys... the right answer is "Fire Signaling," "Boat Construction for Dummies," and "Long Distance Swimming Techniques."

One way or another, I'm gettin' off that darn island!

At Tue Mar 28, 03:59:00 PM PST, Blogger Bethany said...

1. A Severe Mercy
2. Does the Bible count?
3. Jane Eyre (I always spell this wrong)
4. Celebration of Discipline
5. Any CS Lewis


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