Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Best Things Of The Day

Quote of the Day:

If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. If you still don't succeed, just give up. There's no sense in making a fool of yourself over it."

-- W.C. Fields

Song Lyric of the Day:

Well put all your love where it hurts the most
And expect a little visit from the Holy Ghost.
When your short wave dies and there's no one to listen,
Stars growing cold in your solar system.

And I really love to see you like this --
The moonlight dripping off your finger tips.

-- Vigilantes of Love

Monkey Maniac of the Day:

Jay Eubanks is the Monkey Maniac of the Day. Jay just moved across town Saturday, and he gave me a stack of great CDs and one concert DVD. Wahoo! I was one of many who helped him move -- heavy stuff but at least no piano or fridge. It was fun.

Jay and his wife Lindsay have a passion for inner city ministry, and they embody what it means to love your neighbor. Jay is a deacon at Sojourn and is the point person for the Jefferson Street Baptist Center, a men's shelter that reaches out to the most desparate of homeless men -- alcoholics and those with mental health problems.

He's also a great singer-songwriter and concert promoter.

I know that Jay will use this award to ascend to new heights of accomplishment. And for that I am glad to present him with the Monkey Maniac of the Day Award.

And that's all the Day Awards for now. Go forth in love and peace.


At Tue Mar 21, 07:43:00 AM PST, Blogger Kristi B. said...

Song Lyric was great!

And many props to Jay for his accomplishment! =)

At Tue Mar 21, 08:00:00 AM PST, Blogger Bobby said...

Kristi, I suspect that Jay has probably already taken the day off from work and gone off to celebrate his award. You might want to let your boss know in advance that when you win this award, you'll be out that door to party.

It is a great song. It's from an album (that's right, Steve, I'm keeping it real. "album") called "Audible Sigh" by Bill Mallonee and the Vigilantes of Love.

At Tue Mar 21, 09:15:00 AM PST, Blogger Tom said...

Wo Hooo a second Monkey Maniac of the day...welcoem to the club der mista yewbanx


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