A REAL Personality Test
Okay, so these little personality tests I've been posting are fun, and often revealing, but now I want everyone to take a REAL one that is so accurate it blows my mind. It's a free online version of the famous Meyers-Briggs test. Lorie got me to take it a few months ago -- it's pretty much gone through half of Sojourn (my church here in Louisville). Since that time I've also made several new acquaintances and my Nightriders (secret society of super hero best friends) take it, and everyone who has taken it agrees that it present a very good snap shot of who they are as a person.
There's a book, sadly out of print, that goes along with it called "Sixteen Ways To Love Your Lover." There are some other books, still in print, by the same authors that use this personality test system, but I haven't read them yet. Anyway, this "Sixteen Ways ..." book (which you could get used from amazon.com) is fascinating because it looks at all the 16 basic personality types and tells you how to understand yourself and your mate, and how to better relate. For instance, if you're a Judger and your partner is a Perceiver, or if you're an Extrovert and your partner is an Introvert, it tells you why they react a certain way when you say or do this or that, and why YOU react the way you do to them, and what you could each do to understand each other better and to make yourself better understood, etc., etc., etc. It's a very helpful book not just for lovers but friends, family members, coworkers, partners -- anyone with whom you have interpersonal communications.
Here is the link to take the test. Do it! I know most of you people. Some of you, I have your email addresses. Some of you, I know where you live. I will hound you till you take this test and tell me what you are. You can post it in the comments here or shoot me an email. And seriously, it's fun, although you're going to need to set aside 10-15 minutes to take the test.
And later on today, Monkey Maniacs, I will tell you what I scored on the test and will print excerpts from what it said about me, as well as my own comments regarding what I think of the various things said about me. If nothing else, you'll find it an interesting case study into the mind of yours truly -- Love Caddy B-Dawg, The Forlorn Moonpuppy. All I can say is, when I took this test and read the assessment, I thought, "Wow ... this thing has a more accurate assessment of me than people who have known me for years." Fascinating.
I'm glad my Lover book inspired you to be a better person and spread the love. :)
It's now my mission: to improve interpersonal communication among the people in my life, and, through this hit blog, throughout the world. Monkey Mania is running wild -- I'm getting hit from far and near. People are catching the fever. So it is my humble duty to help them understand themselves and each other better.
So if I come here I'll catch a fever? Is it dangerous? Do I need medication?
Interesting test, I'm supposedly a Guardian Provider.
See Katie, that was painless. And even from just your online persona, I can totally see you as a Guardian Provider.
Who else?
really? I tended to disagree with some of the statements but sometimes I think that they often only describe the personality we portray but not always the personality we are . . . hmmm actually that just means that I'm not honest on a personality test (gosh that is a bit disconcerting)
It listed me as an ISTJ and Inspector Guardian. But I think I'm a bit more of a risk taker than the description of that category suggests. For example, it says that this type most likely does not like to try new or exotic foods. That's not true of me. I'll try almost anything at least once. But then on each one of the four characteristics, I only rated between 44% and 56% if that means anything. But I have a relative who is a psychologist who says that even these online tests really are not adequate to determine personality types. Still need to take these with a grain or many grains of salt. ;)
The full test (that you have to pay money to take) is much, much longer, I hear.
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