Check out this new blog!!!
Go there. It's pretty much the greatest blog ever. Luke owns 170 t-shirts and he's going to wear each one once, take a picture, and post it on his blog with comments, until he's gone through all the shirts. Hilarious stuff.
HA, if only i had that many t-shirts.
(Imagine Cosper saying that. Or imagine him saying BOOOORRRIIIING -- he's real good at that too. He's way better at it than I am, which is why you have to imagine him saying it and not me. Although now that there are 3 Cospers at the church, how are we going to distinguish among them? Huh. This parenthetical comment is getting comically long. Not that I was trying to be funny or anything.)
I hate to disagree with Laura Roberts, as we have established that she is a delicate flower, but I think Luke's blog is original and HILARIOUS. Especially the part about how his best t-shirts come from Ethiopa.
Ethiopia=t-shirt capital of the world.
No, no, Sarah! I was saying that Bobby is lame. Not Luke's blog! Bobby is lame for updating with merely a link to someone else's blog! I would never impugn Luke's awesome T-shirt blog like that!!
My humblest apologies.
Maybe Bobby is actually example for us all.
Wor... King?
You're still bloggin!
I love Luke's blog. It's pretty much the greatest thing on the internet. -LB
Get on board the Ron Paul Revolution 2008.
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