Sunday, April 08, 2007

Another Web Milestone

Not "Webb," as in Christa Webb, but "Web" as in "World Wide Web."

Yesterday my website of original hymns and worship songs ( passed the 10,000 page view threshhold, and as of Sunday morning it stands at 10,029 views since I started the site at the end of last September. The site has over 20 songs written by me, and occasionally with great collaborators who also lend their vocal and instrumental skills to various demos. You can hear performances by Brooks Ritter, Rebecca Dennison, Chad Lewis, Rebecca Bales, Nathan Stites, Dan Cassin, Lorie King, as well as me. I'm the worst singer/musician on my own website, which is kind of funny, but that's cool because I just like writing songs.

Although it's harder to keep track of total song stream and download accumulations (meaning the main page doesn't automatically update those figures, so I have to go into my "stats," look up the figures for each month, and add them), I'd estimate, based on monthly averages, that I've have around 9,000 song streams and close to 1,000 downloads in these last 6 1/2 months.

This usually keeps me in the first page or two of the Yahoo and Google search engines for "Modern hymn writer," which makes it easier for searchers to find my music. I'm very happy my songs are getting "out there," so thanks to everyone who listens in from time to time.

I also have a page that features some relationship-based (i.e., songs I've written about girls at various times) in the player, but that's not a main focus for me (Girls are a lot meaner to me than God is. Just kidding. Well, not really, but you know what I mean ...) and hardly anyone goes there so I'll probably hit 10,000 on myspace in, say, 2019.

I hope everyone had a great Easter and remembered that the resurrection is the assurance that our preaching is not in vain, that Jesus was not just a sacrificial hero dying for a good cause, but that He was the Lord of all, the perfect, holy God, able to take our sins upon Himself and offer Himself up as the spotless sacrifice needed to atone for us.


At Sun Apr 08, 03:08:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen to that... Our God is an Awesome God! Hope you had a Happy Easter.

At Mon Apr 09, 01:04:00 PM PDT, Blogger Christa said...

Thanks for distinquishing the difference. I was confused.

At Mon Apr 09, 11:05:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awww how sweet she got smart wif ya!


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