Wednesday, May 24, 2006

It's All Over Now, Baby Blue

Monkey Maniacs: today, Wednesday, May 24, Mr. Bob Dylan turns 65. Reflect accordingly. Maybe dig out your old "Blood On The Tracks" or "Blonde On Blonde" or something and give it a spin.

News Conference, 1965:

Interviewer: Do you prefer songs with messages, like "Eve of Destruction?"

Dylan: Do I prefer that to what?

Interviewer: I don't know, but your songs are supposed to have a subtle message.

Dylan: Subtle message?

Interviewer: Well, they're supposed to.

Dylan: Where'd you hear that?

Interviewer: In a movie magazine.

And then Dylan took the Lord's name in vain. But of course no one is perfect.


At Wed May 24, 01:30:00 PM PDT, Blogger steve said...

Blood on the tracks is SWEET!!

At Wed May 24, 02:07:00 PM PDT, Blogger Bobby said...

Yeah, that's my favorite Dylan record.

At Wed May 24, 02:45:00 PM PDT, Blogger Katie said...

who is Bob Dylan?

At Wed May 24, 02:45:00 PM PDT, Blogger Katie said...

was he in the beatles?

At Wed May 24, 09:18:00 PM PDT, Blogger Bobby said...


Katie, Katie, Katie.

Do I need to be concerned?

Bob Dylan, he, he, he ... he brought poetry into music is what he did. He created the "singer-songwriter." He gave birth to folk rock. He wedded the past to the future. He's listed in the Norton's Anthology of Poetry.

He was considered by many to be the "voice of his generation", the tumultous 1960's, although he always shunned that label. His career continues strong to this day.

If you like any songs or singers with meaningful lyrics, be they story songs, introspective musings, or whatever, then you owe a debt of gratitude to Mr. Bob Dylan. Because chances are if that favorite singer of yours wasn't directly influenced by Mr. Dylan, then they were directly influenced by someone who was directly influenced by Mr. Dylan. Mr. Bob Dylan.

At Thu May 25, 06:33:00 AM PDT, Blogger Katie said...

sorry bobby i couldn't resist, what with you and steve singing his praises (and being "music guys"), yes i do know who Mr. Dylan is, and no I am not so ignorant as to place him as one of the beatles (those were sleepy, dopey, sneezy, happy, and a few others right?); it was just so easy to play dumb at that moment and wait for the fur to fly as you so artfully came to sing (oh yes and that pun was intended) his praises.

IN FACT I have a documentary on Dylan waiting in my Netflicks, so I'm not a total loss.


At Thu May 25, 07:20:00 AM PDT, Blogger Bobby said...

Katie: All is forgiven. Welcome home. Back into the fold of the ultra cool.

Is the documentary "No Direction Home," directed by Scorcese? If so, you are in for quite a treat. It is the most amazing piece of music history captured on DVD. Even people who don't like Dylan -- if you love music, you should see this film.

At Thu May 25, 07:30:00 AM PDT, Blogger Lorie said...

After your admission that a Dylan documentary is in the queue for your viewing pleasure, you are officialy Bobby's dreamgirl. :)

At Thu May 25, 07:31:00 AM PDT, Blogger Lorie said...

Did I just misspell a WORD??!!!???

At Thu May 25, 07:43:00 AM PDT, Blogger Bobby said...

You officially did, you nasty little gremlin.

At Thu May 25, 08:29:00 AM PDT, Blogger Katie said...

"No Direction Home" - yes, that is it. But does the fact that I also have the documentary "Great Musical Prodigies from the Mickey Mouse Club - Christina, Britney, and Justin" lose points in the cool column?

At Thu May 25, 09:00:00 AM PDT, Blogger Bobby said...

I'm so disillusioned.

At Thu May 25, 09:32:00 AM PDT, Blogger Bobby said...

I just bought the brand new book "Bob Dylan: The Essential Interviews". It's 400+ pages of 31 interviews spanning over 40 years.

I love some of his early combative interviews, where you could sense the boredom and disdain he felt when asked dumb questions. Here's how his very first interview starts out.

Q: Bob Dylan, you must be twenty years old now.

A: Yeah, I must be twenty.


At Thu May 25, 09:32:00 AM PDT, Blogger Katie said...


How funny would it be if that was a real documentary? Ok, so maybe more sad than funny. Really sad in fact.

No disillusionment necessary. I'm just talented at being ornery.

At Thu May 25, 09:44:00 AM PDT, Blogger Tom said...

Bobby likes WHAM!

At Thu May 25, 01:02:00 PM PDT, Blogger Bobby said...

Katie is ornery -- it's a given. But when even Tom starts to be ornery, when even Lorie -- no, what am I saying?

In any event, Steve and I agree that Blood On The Tracks is a great record.

Perhaps we will rub off on the rest of you curs. 8-)

At Thu May 25, 01:35:00 PM PDT, Blogger Katie said...

WHOA. I'm a given but Tom and Lorie get off as just choosing to be ornery? Now I don't know Tom and Lorie, maybe being ornery is a step out of normalcy for them while it comes so naturally to me, but I think I might be offended. Yep I am officially offended.

And what is a "curs"?

At Thu May 25, 01:54:00 PM PDT, Blogger Tom said...

or·ner·y (ôrn-r)
adj. or·ner·i·er, or·ner·i·est

Mean-spirited, disagreeable, and contrary in disposition; cantankerous.

Does not equal Tom, Does not equal Lorie.

You still love WHAM!

At Thu May 25, 06:16:00 PM PDT, Blogger Bobby said...

You've never heard of a "cur." You don't call people curs down thataway?

Don't worry Katie, one of my best friends is the official poster boy for "ornery." His name is Will Wyman, and although he doesn't post often on this site, he is a constant lurker.

So see, it's not that your incapable of being liked. Even the ornery deserve some props and love.

As far as Tom and Lorie: Tom is a mischevious beetle bug and Lorie, as has been well-documented on this site, is a nasty little gremlin.

At Fri May 26, 07:16:00 AM PDT, Blogger Katie said...

so you're saying i deserve pity props and love for being ornery?


At Fri May 26, 09:29:00 AM PDT, Blogger Bobby said...

Sure. Then maybe you won't be so ornery in the future.

At Fri May 26, 02:25:00 PM PDT, Blogger Katie said...

HA but being ornery is one of my best qualities :)


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