Additions to the vernacular
There are two sayings that I have just decided to adopt. Feel free to do likewise but you are copying after me.
The first is actually an old saying that, for some reason, I stopped using a few years ago. It's "doom on you." I got it from ex-Navy SEAL Richard Marcinko. You say it when you've foiled someone or when you plan on vengeance. It often, in my case, revolves around food. Examples.
I sneak into someone's kitchen, eat their last brownie, and silently say "Doom on you," because I know they will look for the brownie later and not find it.
Someone steals my last brownie and I catch them. I glare at them, point a finger, and say "Doom on you." They now know to head for the hills or face my wrath.
The other expression is "spelunkin'." I just thought of this one on the way home yesterday. "Spelunkin'" is what I will say to indicate I am having a great time or, more often, that a great time will be had or someone has done something that will mean a great time for me at some point. Because, after all, spelunking (cave exploration) is a great time. Examples:
Someone says, "We should go see that movie you're really interested in this weekend." I say "Spelunkin'!"
Someone says, "How was the concert the other night?" I say "Spelunkin'."
"Doom on you" and "spelunkin'." Look for them coming to a conversation near you.
You can't use "spelunkin'" that way. It makes no sense. It's a noun, not an adjective.
But if it drives YOU crazy, that's an added bonus. Doom on you!
Now you people see what I have to live with...
Ok, I'm taking Lorie's side here (gotta support the sisters) because not only are you using it incorrectly but you're leaving off the "g". Poor little "g" at the end of words ending in "ing", it's gotten the shaft what with people not able to finish out a word.
And I see you left your newfangled shout out on my blog, but I will not convert to your venacular craziness Mr. Sombrero.
Doom on you.
Okay, spelunkin' has had its 15 minutes of fame. I think it's ready to retire.
In its place I think we should use the word "disco".
So in conversation it would go like this:
"We're not gonna use the word spelunkin', anymore."
I like Milli :)
She has spunk.
She is a spunky little thing.
Thanks Katie-
You're pretty cool yourself : )
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