Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Special Bulletin -- Comma to be outlawed

(D.C.) Lawmakers on Capitol Hill began deliberations today on what is expected to be a successful motion to ban usage of the comma in American discourse. Senator Galoon (AK) told reporters he has the votes needed in the Senate, and he is confident that the House will also "hearken to the voice of reason."

"The comma is an antiquated device that should be done away with in these frenzied modern times times of change times of forward thinking times of ingenuity and a general sense that the old ways must be severed hackled cast into the sea," Galoon said. Apparently, many agree with him.

Dana Calhoon, National Teacher of the Year, issued this statement: "The comma doesn't belong in our society or in any society that is building a bridge to the future because it slows one down when one is reading and it's not really needed for clarity civility tradition or any other reason and it does nothing for me personally."

Here in Louisville, opinion was divided. Local anti-grammarian forces rejoiced. "Mwuahaha the comma is dead the semi-colon will be next then we'll talk about speling and paragrafs," said Tom Branch. "You can pretymuch figure out what is being said without all that firly stuff if you just read slowly and not get ahead of yourself and whats the point of all those weird signs that do nothing for you and dont pretty up the page they look like curse symbols: ;'"-'/;" Branch claimed.

Not everyone was so sure. "Let me just say that this is indicative of the loss of standards throughout our society," said Lorie King, Spelling uh, Policewoman. "This trend of 'dumbing-down' everything is bringing societal chaos, and, if you think about it, is tied in with the moral depravity that, while inherent to man, has increased exponentially in the last fifty years. This may be an anti-cultural notion, but we have got to start holding each other accountable for our actions, and for our speech. And hear me -- HEAR me: once commas are removed from public life, there will be chaos. There will be rioting in the streets. And don't come crying to me when it happens. No, really," King said.

20/20 will have a special report on this matter later tonight.


At Wed Nov 30, 06:58:00 AM PST, Blogger Laura said...

Ooooo... Tom's going to get you for that.

At Wed Nov 30, 07:06:00 AM PST, Blogger Lorie said...

I couldn't have said what I said better myself. :)

At Wed Nov 30, 07:41:00 AM PST, Blogger Bobby said...

Laura: I'm sure ol' Tom will be fine. We're like a modern day Laurel and Hardy.

Tom: Laura put me up to it.

Lorie: I was actually thinking: what if you just don't talk anymore? I'll do it for you. I've pretty much got your act down-pat. If anyone asks you anything, send them to me. That way, not only can I tell them your opinion, I can follow up with, "But here's why Lorie is wrong and I am right ..."

At Wed Nov 30, 10:11:00 AM PST, Blogger Bobby said...

No, I wouldn't say "predictable." Too many negative connotations, not too mention an implied lack of creativity.
I'd say "consistent" would be accurate, though.

At Wed Nov 30, 12:00:00 PM PST, Blogger Lorie said...

I'll take consistent, but do I think you overestimate your knowledge of me...

At Wed Nov 30, 12:10:00 PM PST, Blogger Laura said...

Did not! Did not!

At Wed Nov 30, 12:15:00 PM PST, Blogger Bobby said...

Laura: Denial is useless.

Lorie: I don't know. Do you? Hahaha! I guess I don't know you as well as I thought I did. I'd have never thought a grammariansuch as yourself would make such a typo.

At Wed Nov 30, 01:38:00 PM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's true Lorie. It seems that someone is always waiting for a typo, so they can call ya out. Don't let Bobby put words in your mouth. Seizure later...

At Wed Nov 30, 03:43:00 PM PST, Blogger Laura said...

Are you trying to assimilate me into the borg? Oh wait... that's "resistance is futile."

At Thu Dec 01, 05:07:00 AM PST, Blogger Tom said...

Um ok so this was a whole conspiracy then? Laura put Bobby up to this? Hmmmmm. I do wished I had read it here frist rather than the forum.


Larura how can you confuse resistance and denial? Hahahahaha. I'll put you on the Borg mailing list. They are always looking for new members!


But now that I know this was a very Onion-esq lil peaice of writing from Bobby, the sting has passed.


At Thu Dec 01, 05:07:00 AM PST, Blogger Tom said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At Thu Dec 01, 05:22:00 AM PST, Blogger Bobby said...

Tom: I'm glad to see you're onto Laura's tricks.

Laura: It's time to update your blog.

Will: Never feel sorry for King when she gets called out on a typo. You don't know how she tortures me.

At Thu Dec 01, 08:25:00 AM PST, Blogger Laura said...

Dangit! How can this be my idea? I've been studying for finals, and besides, as far as I know, I've spoken to Bobby maybe once. GRRR!!!

Bobby: nag, nag, nag.

At Thu Dec 01, 09:44:00 AM PST, Blogger Bobby said...

Laura: that was a good update.

Tom: Laura is right. Stop accusing her. You meanie.

At Thu Dec 01, 10:35:00 AM PST, Blogger Laura said...

Bobby, you cheeky devil, you. Here's a unique idea: you could actually make comments about my blog ON MY BLOG! Grrr!

At Thu Dec 01, 10:42:00 AM PST, Blogger Tom said...

Bobby...I think you were just served!!!!!

If I were not mean, would I still be as lovable?


At Thu Dec 01, 12:50:00 PM PST, Blogger Tom said...

Wait a darned tootin changed this didn't you? I just read this post......Or did I just completely miss my um comments? After I get done beating my head up a brick wall we be talkin Bobby!

At Fri Dec 02, 10:10:00 AM PST, Blogger Bobby said...

Laura: I think you will fine that I have now done so. I aim to please.

Tom: I assure you I have edited nothing. I allow freedom of expression on Jive To The Monkey. Indeed, it's what being Jive is all about. Sort of.

At Fri Dec 02, 10:23:00 AM PST, Blogger Tom said...

Whatever ya say Harvey!

At Sat Dec 03, 08:12:00 AM PST, Blogger Laura said...

But you didn't come to my birthday party. So I'm still mad. Allow me to demonstrate: grrrr!

At Sat Dec 03, 10:38:00 PM PST, Blogger Laura said...

Rabby, you're the best real live Rabbit I ever met. Thanks. And God bless you as you fight the devil and all his wiles, trying to tempt you back to the bottle and women and all of that.

Bobby: I'll see YOU tomorrow in church, on my actual birthday. Or rather today. Since it's 1:30 in the morning. Ugh.

At Sun Dec 04, 05:27:00 PM PST, Blogger Laura said...

Bobby, thanks for the b-day card!

At Mon Dec 05, 12:42:00 PM PST, Blogger Lorie said...

Um, Gilles:

"I think you will fine that..."???

Mine was actually still grammatically correct on some level (as in "Boy, do I think you..."), but THIS...yikes.

At Mon Dec 05, 12:58:00 PM PST, Blogger Bobby said...

Laura: You're welcome!

Lorie: You have foiled me again, wee avenger. But one of these days ... one fine day ....

At Wed Dec 07, 10:22:00 AM PST, Blogger Tom said...

Bobby are you trying to take my typo king status away from me? That's my job not yours pal!


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