Wishes/ rants
I slide in and out of "blogger" moods. Right now I'm in an "out" mood -- I don't know what to post these days, and don't feel like posting. Have no fear, I'll be back in the swing of things again soon.
Here are three Christmas wishes/ rants for different groups of people in our society, based on conversations I've just overheard/ participated in here at work.
1. I wish all Republicans would realize that God is not their party chairman. And, unconvincing expositions of Joseph and the Seven Years of Plenty to the contrary, stuff like supply side economics has nothing to do with the gospel of Jesus Christ (except to the extent that the gospel is for everyone, from supply siders to commies).
2. I wish all Democrats would face the issue of abortion head on -- the real issue. Don't hide behind "choice." And don't try to divert the subject to another issue: ie. "Well, you have to admit that we Democrats care more about the homeless, or ending poverty, etc." Even if that is so, those in our society that are most helpless, that can least defend themselves (indeed, that can NOT defend themselves) are the unborn. Obviously.
3. I wish all singles who say things like, "How come the ones I want, don't want me, yet the ones I don't want to pursue me, do?" would ask themselves if maybe the proper question would be "Why do I want what I can't have, and why do I refuse to value what's in front of me?" Now this doesn't mean one should date someone they simply find unattractive, or that they have a personality conflict with, or that has little in common with them in terms of beliefs, goals, likes and dislikes, etc. But perhaps the people that you "feel" things for are not really the best people for you -- perhaps you feel what you do based on your low self-esteem or some other self-destructive mechanism, rather than "love." Perhaps you shouldn't be ruled by your subjective feelings (which we Christians sometimes pretend is "discernment"). And I have definitely been there, done that, as have the two here at work that I discussed this with -- they admitted it.
Well, now I've pretty much dissed the majority of people in America. So, um, sorry. But it needed saying. And I needed to write a blog column. Merry Christmas anyway, though. Really. Joy to the world.
(smiley-faced vampire)
I'm not saying we shouldn't be selective, though. Obviously I'm just presenting one facet of a huge challenge: how to select a mate. I also don't mean to imply that there isn't a spiritual gift of discernment. But often-times we as Christians can hide behind it, when we're really just being motivated by our own carnal feelings. I know that I have, multiple times.
Ouch. This single person just felt her toes stepped on a bit. Both buttinsky-ish and true, Gilles.
And the first two I believe I have actually ranted about this very week.
Happy non-sectarian winter festival of your choice.
Oh, definitely. Brothers and sisters in Christ are, or should be, great influences. But there's no fool-proof approach. In the end, YOU are the one who is going to be pledging "till death do I part," not someone else. It would be great if we could abdicate our responsibility to choose wisely, and say "I'll just listen to so-and-so." But it's a bad idea.
It's frustrating when people do that to guys to, if we already know the girl doesn't see anything in us or isn't at all attracted. But I hear what you're saying, and I'm sure it is definitely more frustrating to girls, for the reasons you listed.
But we need to realize that people, especially those who want us to be happy (or those who are very nosy) are natural match-makers. Sometimes we just need to realize they mean no harm and let it slide.
And yes, guys should initiate. Because if you start off initiating, you'll set a pattern that may never be broken. Even if you end up getting married, you'll always have to be the one who initiates everything from conversation to family planning, etc.
I love that we're ranting. Christmas rants -- it's what Jive To The Monkey is all about.
Jason and Tom -- I bet you guys have got some good rants on this subject. Let them out.
All I have to say is, you people need to go check out MY blog...
Yeah she posted. On December 12. She isn't telling us to check out a new post, she's chastizing us for ranting during the Christmas season instead of being thankful for the gift of Christ and testifying of His goodness and grace.
Basically she's setting us straight. Because she is, in short, a force.
Sometimes a force can be irritating. Especially if it's right. 8-)
(throwing arms up in disgust while stamping my foot while dancing around the room in primative fashion)
THANK YOU ... cheryl!
man! that irks me when well-meaning friends snidely comment that you and so-and-so would make a great match ... or better yet ... why don't you date whos-it-what?
as if i had it in my power to make such a thing happen if i wanted it to!
along the lines of arranged marriage:
funny story.
before i left this summer for Prague, I was driving one of our church's youth to a birthday party we were both going to. he is constantly concerned about my love life (having proposed himself to me upon many occassions ... don't worry, there was someone else in the car, too.) irritated with his inquiries, i flatly replied that my love-life was well taken care of. I had given my parents my blessing to arrange everything for me.
i was joking, of course ... well, sort of. but i wasn't prepared for his reaction. he became upset and even yelled ... which only served to awaken the mischievous puck inside of me. i began to add detail to my story and increased the fervor of my convictions concerning arranged marriage. by the time we pulled into the driveway, i had gained a disciple in the matters of arranged marriage. this young 15 year old was in full agreement with me.
when i returned to Savannah at the end of the summer, a handful of others in the youth group approached me and told me that the boy had told them of my views on marriage, and while they at first had balked at the prospect, they too now found themselves in agreement.
now that i am back in Savannah over the holidays, i have been informed of 3 other youth who have spoken to their parents of the matter, telling them that they would appreciate their parents taking over the responsibility of finding them a mate.
Okay, THAT is hilarious. My hat is off to Christine, The True Force.
Lorie thinks it's hilarious because it's exactly the kind of thing she would have done.
Christine, that was truly awesome. My hat's off to you. My big ol'hat.
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