Oh What Shall I Do?
Lost is over for the summer. Survivor is over. American Idol is over. Alias is over for good.
I might finally be able to get some serious writing done....
A place for the weary travelers to drop their packs and warm their hands by the hearth. Listen to the old men telling lies by the checker board or the young troubadour playing a song of courtly love. Or, if reality's your thing, read my stuff. "There is only one difference between a madman and me. I am not mad." -- Salvador Dali (1904-1989) Spanish surrealist painter
Road trips, the beach, the mountains, picnics, barbeques, the lake, amusement parks, just chillin'!
Possibilities are endless Bobby! But if you want to be stuck up in a room somewhere writing, you go right ahead! How boring!
ha ha... i'm sure i'll be doing something similar myself! =)
Oh, I'll defitely enjoy the outdoors. I was talking mainly about weeknights though. Instead of watching Lost at nine every Wednesday, maybe I'll do some music stuff/ writing.
Maybe I'll do some music stuff/ writing OUTSIDE IN THE PARK!!!!
then there are those people who invested in TiVo and can watch the season over and over again during the summer so as not to stop the addiction
I am not one of those people (yet at least)
Katie, be careful I have seen tivo addictions something aweful.....beware! Beware.
Write away brother!
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