Saturday, September 29, 2007

Another one ...

Sojourn music is also on myspace, by the way, at If you've got a Myspace account, request "Friend" status with us. We'll add you -- we're friendly folk."

P.S. I have recently been to the public library. My first visit since the spanking (see this blog, a few posts back). I am happy to report that this time, I was able to check out a book without being whipped.

Friday, September 21, 2007

New Websites, New Music!!!

Hey everyone, check out what I've been up to in my spare time the past couple months -- two new websites for Sojourn music. You can check out all Sojourn's CDs, mp3s, lyrics, stories, etc.

There's an mp3 of one of the songs I wrote on (All I Have Is Yours) and one on (Lead Us Back), both from the new CD, "Before The Throne."

If you'd like, you can order that CD and the others from the site's Store. "Before The Throne" is also available in Louisville at EarX-tacy and Christian Book Nook. No, I don't get royalties on units sold. 8-)

Even if you don't wanna buy any, there are 16 mp3s on the official site and 12 on the virb site (some are duplicate but not all) that you can listen to for FREE online.