Straight Talk
"Paul said, 'I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and him crucified.' Nowadays it's 'Jesus Christ and what he can do for you!' You cannot have more exact opposites than the Bible's Christ-centered gospel and our modern, cross-less self-centered 'gospel.' ...
"Unless people are truly convicted of sin ... then it is virtually impossible to show them a need for a savior. Why, what would they need to be saved from? Fun? Today the Lord is presented as a sort of 'ice-cream man Santa Claus,' and the church is the candy store where you can get every goodie your heart desires ...
"First and foremost, today's 'gospel' appeals to the selfish. If people come to Jesus mainly to get a blessing or only to get forgiveness, they will ultimately be disappointed. But if they come to give him their lives in honor and worship, then they will truly have forgiveness and joy -- more than they could ever imagine!"
-- Keith Green
"No Compromise: The Life Story of Keith Green,"
by Melody Green and David Hazard
I liked this... a lot!
The little I know about Keith Green I like. I've read a bit about his bio and he sounds like such an authentic guy. Now i have to go back and read up on him more.
I just finished his biography. Great stuff.
Hey I did the blog,
KG's music has influenced me more than anything else on the planet almost. I have listened to him for so long. He has also influenced me as a musician, to be very honest and real in my lyrics. Actually, I'd be honored if you'd check out my music, its very "Keithish."
Thanks for posting,
"All of my music is free for download."
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